Monday, September 15, 2008


I love love love my blackberry curve.

I personalized it with a custom theme from that site is by far the best hands down for anything blackberry. I love all the features & the whole design of the bb itself. its a lifesaver I must say.

Whatever happened to those big bulky things glued to the wall that you put 25 cents in do you say, payphones ? We've come a longgg way in such a short time.

I was watching a commercial yesterday about gem stickers for little girls & it was advertising to put them on your binder, purse, cellphone, back pack ........ wait, go back two. CELL PHONES ? These little girls were literally like what, 5 yrs old? I can't go no where without my cellphone, and everywhere I go, everyone has one ! What kind of phone do you have and why do you love/hate it ?


1 comment:

Maxie said...

I'm getting a blackberry curve this week and i can't freakin wait! I will have to check out that site.